Our Lady of Częstochowa Church

Address Głusko, 66-520 Dobiegniew, Głusko
www http://diecezja.szczecin.pl/wspolnoty/wspolnoty-parafialne/Radecin-sw-Ap-Piotra-i-Pawla_LR01
Phone +48957173435
The filial church of Our Lady of Częstochowa belongs to the parish of SS Peter and Paul the Apostles, and the Deanery of Drawno. Built in the second half of the 19th century with crushed stone and brick from the old brewery as a Gothic Revival temple. The church bell from 1931 has survived on the brick steeple. Original furnishings of the church include the pulpit from early 20th century and a Gothic Revival sandstone font with floral ornaments, originating from the end of the 19th century. Next to the church, there is a 19th century mansion.


Dobiegniew and Łagów Lake Districts

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