Myślibórz Lake District

Rynek w Myśliborzu
Pannellum 2.4.0

About the region

The tourism potential of the region arises from its vast forests and lakes, offering a close and direct contact with nature, and a wide selection of options for active leisure, including scuba-diving, sailing and kayak trips, particularly on the Myśla and Oder rivers. For hiking enthusiasts, several dozen well-marked trails have been prepared. An interesting way of sightseeing and getting to know the area are the field games.

An important element of the history of the region, which dates back to early Middle Ages, were the military and monastic orders, such as the Templars, the Knights Hospitaller, the Teutonic Knights, and also the Dominican and Cistercian monks. The orders built castles, monasteries and churches, some of which have survived to this day and are used for various purposes, for instance as culture centres or offices.

About the association

The “Lider Pojezierza” Association groups 13 communes from 4 districts (Gryfino, Pyrzyce, Choszczno), and all communes from the Myślibórz District, spread across an area that is almost 110 km wide, stretching from the Oder in Porzecze in the south-west, to the border with the Drawa Lake District in the north-east. The area covers four mesoregions with diverse terrain relief: the Gorzów Plain, the Myślibórz Lake District, the Choszczno Lake District and the Pyrzyce-Stargard Plain.

