“Lubiatowskie Uroczyska” nature reserve

Address ul. Warszawska 1, 66-530 Drezdenko
www http://www.drezdenko.pl/101,rezerwaty-przyrody
e-mail gg@drezdenko.pl
Phone +48957622957
Located at Lake Lubiatówko, within two Natura 2000 protection areas: Special Area of Conservation “Jeziora Gościmskie” and Special Protection Area “Puszcza Notecka”, this nature reserve was established in 2000 to protect plant and forest communities on the lake shores, headwaters with rare plant species on the slopes, and the habitats of birds of prey and water and marsh birds. 230 plant species have been identified in the nature reserve, including two under strict protection: common polypody and yellow pond-lily. The nature reserve area is under active protection.


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