“Łabędziniec” nature reserve

Address ul. Warszawska 1, 66-530 Drezdenko
www http://www.drezdenko.pl/101,rezerwaty-przyrody
e-mail gg@drezdenko.pl
Phone +48957622957
Located partially on a peninsula on Lake Lubiatówko, within two Natura 2000 protection areas: Special Area of Conservation “Jeziora Gościmskie” and Special Protection Area “Puszcza Notecka”, this nature reserve was established in 1959. In 2000, it was joined with the “Łabędziniec” nature reserve to form the “Lubiatowskie Uroczyska” nature reserve. The reserve protects the breeding grounds of water and marsh birds, in particular mute swan, black cormorant and crane. The islands are an interesting sight, as the local crane population has effectively killed the trees. The alder, oak and pine tree stand in the nature reserve is aged from 30 to 160 years old, although you can find oaks there that are well over 300. The nature reserve is under strict protection.


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