
Address Danków, 66-510 Bobrówko, Danków
Phone +48957631130
The park with a rich tree stand can be found in Danków, a small town squeezed between two lakes: Dankowskie and Kinołęka in the Gorzów Forest. The history of Danków goes back to early Middle Ages when a Slavic settlement was founded there, expanded into a village in the 13th Century and later into a ducal town of the New March in Brandenburg. In the Middle Ages, the local caste was the meeting place of the margraves, the knighthood and the clergy. Matters of state were discussed and important documents were signed there. Today, the only remains of its heyday is the clearly visible spatial arrangement with a section of the defensive wall, the remainders of the castle and the palace, and two watch towers. In 2009 and 2010, a historical and archaeological research programme called “Danków Project” was undertaken in the village.


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