Kołat Mill

Address Chociwel Kołat, 73-120 Chociwel
Before the mouth of the river, where Krąpiel flows into Chociwek Lake (Starzyc), there was a mill originally driven by water. In the 19th century there was installed a steam drive. In 1945-46 the mill's equipment was disassembled and in the building there was installed a compound feed plant of Kombinat Państwowych Gospodarstw Rolnych in Chociwle. Under the main building made of ceramic brick, on a rectangular plan with the dimensions of .... there was a basement and the building had five above-ground storeys covered with a tar paper wooden flat gable roof. In May 2003 there was a fire which destroyed the mill. In the same year there was a decision taken to demolish the building. The relics of ruins remained.


Pyrzyce-Stargard Plain

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