Church in Żukowo

Address Żuków 36, 73-115 Dolice, Żuków
Phone +48 91 5630190
The parish church in Żukowo was built with boulders in the 15th Century as a Late Gothic temple. Around 1534, the Roman Catholic church was taken over by the Protestants and remained the seat of the Protestant parish until 1945. The church underwent a remodelling and reconstruction at the turn of the 16th and 17th Century, raising the walls slightly and building a new gable on the eastern side, with blind arches and a ridge turret. A Late Renaissance altar was installed inside. In 1610, the Renaissance pulpit was built which in the 18th Century was connected with the altar and separated again at the end of the 19th Century. The pulpit can still be seen in the church. At the beginning of the 17th Century, the current confessional was made. In 1884, the church underwent restoration. The form of the windows was changed, the interior was renovated, including the altar and the pulpit, and new pens and gallery were also made.


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