Villa Ambronna

Address Krosno Odrzańskie
Parkowa 1 in Krosno Odrzańskie is an address that almost all residents know. Here there is the seat of the municipal authorities, municipal security guard and a library. It is a picturesquely situated place, just next to an old amphitheatre. In the past, in the territory of the nearby Tysiąclecie Park there was a cemetery founded in 1733. Also, a meditation chapel adjoined the complex. The vestige of this building is a lane of monumental oak trees. The building in Parkowa Street was constructed in 1866. Earlier in this place there was a restaurant called "Srebrna Góra" (German: Silberberg, English: Silver Mountain). The property underwent only small modifications (e.g. the tower). Until now it has been an impressively monumental building with beautiful detailed elements. As the residents claimed, one of the villas on Srebrna Góra was built in the "Romanian style". On 6 May 1892 the building was bought from Elisabeth Sachs, Ambronn's younger daughter, for 80 000 German marks by the district authorities. The building became the seat of "Landrat" (the starost). Moreover, there was an apartment of the starost and the officials in the building, therefore it was named "Kreisvilla". Earlier the seat of the district authorities was located on the left-bank side of the city, in Landhausstraße.
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